Wednesday, 3 October 2007

Proactive? Isn't that a yoghurt?

All things Short and Squiggly

Things have been a little quiet on this western front recently...I'd quite happily blame shorthand drilling and fresher's week, but if we're going to be honest (and unfortunately, I am), then one shall just have to say one has been...erm, well, lazy.

But, no more! Oh no, no, no, no! This particular hack-in-training has been attempting to immerse herself in all news, blogs, radio shows, phone-ins, webpages; getting all manner of ink on her hands in the process. Soon a real (local) piece will be posted. Soon, contacts will be amassed. Soon, oh so soon, there will be real substance, and a body of work to peruse. It's an exciting thought...


Nothing like a good set of party conferences, with an election on the horizon, to bring out newspaper bias is there? It had always been something I took rather for granted, but recently the true colours have been bared. "Quit stalling and call and Election! Says Cameron", cried one paper..."Tories in Trouble" claimed another...which is it folks? Bias ususally amuses me more than anything - opinion is obviously an integral a part of journalism - though occasionally it can drive you to that extra bar of chocolate, as you wonder despairingly whether the world's going to hell in a handbasket or not. Obviously, as much fun as bias makes the whole game, every now and then I do crave an objective view of things.

How many trainee journalists does it take to read a map?

Apparently, following an interesting walk around the streets of London on Monday night, not one of us has a head for directions. Even though our shorthand teacher had distributed full maps with written descriptions we couldn't manage to simply head straight to the appointed place. That's what you get with former English students. Not one ounce of geographical ability between them...

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