Monday 4 February 2008

Quick Update...

Good news for Kambaksh, whose life seems to have been spared on a legal technicality, following mass uproar from journalists around the world and The Independent. No sentence at the moment, and a non-backtrack which allows the government to retain face.

After all, wouldn't want to be seen doing something illegal in such a model of democracy.

It annoys me somewhat that the rest of fleet street could seemingly give less of a damn about this story. Quelle surprise when there's such meaty fodder out there as Britney's ongoing saga, and new depths to plumb. When you're using pieces about pap outrage, for God's sake, of a person's privacy having being invaded, simply in order to keep that story flowing...paparazzi who hang like pigeons around the crumb of moral living. Frankly, it beggars belief.